Custom Filaments & Cathode Heaters

Ion and Electron Sources for healthcare, defense, telecom and life sciences

Tungsten, Rhenium, Molybdenum, Nichrome

Premium raw materials rigorously inspected

Quality Above All Else

When mission critical high reliability is essential

oncology scanner

Union City Filament is the leading global producer of precision wound filaments and heaters for electron devices and ion sources, powering advanced Medical, Scientific, Industrial, Telecom and Defense systems.


Our products are critical components within cutting-edge mmWave and microwave frequency amplifiers, x-ray tubes, getters, infrared devices, mass spectrometers and other analytical sensors.




Union City Filament winds and forms wire and ribbon composed of refractory and precious metals including tungsten, molybdenum, rhenium, platinum, iridium, and nichrome into a vast array of configurations and custom designs while holding the tightest possible dimensional tolerances.




X-Ray Filaments

For over forty years Union City Filament has been producing x-ray filaments for medical imaging devices in use by healthcare providers across the world. Today our filaments are part of imaging systems at the forefront of digital CT scanning technology.

Scientific Instrument Filaments

Scientific Instrument Filaments

Union City Filament manufactures a variety filament designs that are being used in scientific research applications, process control applications, and material processing and certification applications.

Cathode Heater and Electron Device

Cathode Heater and Electron Device Filaments

Union City Filament’s experience with cathode heaters, microwave tube heaters, and electron tube filaments spans our entire history. Our filaments and heaters are used in a myriad of vacuum electron devices including traveling wave tubes, klystrons, power grid tubes, thyratrons, and related dispenser cathodes.

Ion Source and Ion Implater

Ion Source and Ion Implater Filaments

Ion Source Filaments are integral components in semiconductor manufacturing equipment and scientific research applications. Typically these components are single helix cylindrical filaments, flat spiral filaments, or planar filaments.

Ionization Gauge Filaments and Grids

Ionization Gauge Filaments and Grids

At the core of the Bayard-Alpert Ionization Gauge there are filaments and grids manufactured at Union City Filament. Bayard-Alpert Ionization Gauges are hot cathode devices that analyze atmospheric conditions in vacuum systems and vacuum chambers.

High Temperature Springs and Supports

High Temperature Springs and Supports

Union City Filament manufactures high temperature springs and supports for vacuum devices and other systems where consistent and reliable component support is critical.

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