Ionization Gauge Filaments and Grids

At the core of the Bayard-Alpert Ionization Gauge there are filaments and grids manufactured at Union City Filament. Bayard-Alpert Ionization Gauges are hot cathode devices that analyze atmospheric conditions in vacuum systems and vacuum chambers. Leg formations, coil diameters, wire diameters, numbers of turns, and turn spacing can all be modified to meet application requirements. Tungsten is the material of choice in ionization gauge systems.

Ionization Gauge Filaments and Grid Products



Single Helix Filament with legs formed parallel to the coil axis. Most commonly used in Scientific Instruments and Ionization Gauges.



Double Helix (Bifilar) Filament or Grid with hairpin return. Most commonly used in Ionization Gauges and Scientific Research Applications.



Double Helix (Bifilar) Filament or Grid with hairpin return and legs formed perpendicular to the coil axis. Most commonly used in Ionization Gauges and Scientific Research Applications.

Regardless of your application, Union City Filament will work with you to design the best filament or heater for your needs.

Questions? Contact us today for help.